Call for Abstract

6th International Congress on Physics, will be organized around the theme “Innovative strategies for a better future in Physics”

PHYSICS CONGRESS 2023 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PHYSICS CONGRESS 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Applied Material science is a use of physical science to help people and tackle their concerns. Applied physicist's purposes physical science to foster new advances to tackle designing issues and to do explore in physical science. It is by and large viewed as an extension or association among physical science and designing. Research in applied physical science prompted the utilization of power and attraction for lighting and impetus, the semiconductor business, which gave us current hardware offices and assumed a significant part in the improvement of biomedical innovation.

  • Track 1-1Quantum sensing
  • Track 1-2Fluid mechanism
  • Track 1-3Accelerator Physics
  • Track 1-4Atmospheric physics
  • Track 1-5Biophysics
  • Track 1-6Electrical engineering
  • Track 1-7Materials science and engineering
  • Track 1-8Geo-physics

Current physical science is an endeavor of understanding the fundamental cycles of material cooperation utilizing science and designing apparatuses. Present day physical science frequently experiences with regards to outrageous states of being. Quantum mechanics impacts seem with regards to "low", yet relative impacts seem when "high" happen. As a rule, these are viewed as the "center" of the groundwork’s of present day material science.

  • Track 2-1Atomic theory and evolution of the atomic model in general
  • Track 2-2Black-body radiation
  • Track 2-3Quantum thermodynamics
  • Track 2-4Photoelectric effect
  • Track 2-5Solid-state physics

Quantum physical science is presumably the investigation of little particles, which are the essential cells of the universe. Quantum material science is expected to figure out the properties of solids, particles, cores, sub atomic cells and light. Its subfields include: quantum figuring, quantum cryptography, and quantum instant transportation. Quantum cryptography is the study of sending secret messages through a quantum channel. Quantum procedures likewise assist with lessening commotion in lasers, a technique known as pressure.

  • Track 3-1Quantum cryptography
  • Track 3-2Quantum simulation
  • Track 3-3Quantum metrology
  • Track 3-4Quantum engineering
  • Track 3-5Quantum sensing

Optical physical science is the investigation of the basic properties of light and its connections with issue. It additionally incorporates the traditional optical peculiarity like reflection, refraction, diversion and obstruction, and the investigation of the quantum mechanical properties of individual heaps of light called photons.

This logical field has a characteristic association with glass innovation, on the grounds that the fruitful presentation of most concentrated glass applications (fiber optics, show boards, semiconductor frameworks, and some improvement drug improvement instruments, to give some examples) relies upon whether those applications send process or communicate light.

  • Track 4-1Optical engineering
  • Track 4-2Optical coherence tomography
  • Track 4-3Quantum optics
  • Track 4-4Classic Optics

Nuclear physics science is the investigation of nuclear cores and their parts and collaborations, as well as the investigation of different sorts of nuclear materials. Atomic physical science shouldn't mistake for nuclear physical science, which concentrates on the molecule in general and including electrons.

  • Track 5-1Electricity & magnetism
  • Track 5-2Electricity & magnetism
  • Track 5-3Fluid mechanism
  • Track 5-4Electromagnetic radiation
  • Track 5-5Elementary particle physics

Astrophysics is an augmentation of logical cosmology managing divine items and peculiarities. Astrophysics can likewise be characterized as a blend of cosmology and material science. A few regions where we can see cosmic examination applications are gadgets progressed figuring, correspondence satellites, optics, sunlight based chargers, and MRI scanners.

Light molecules like hydrogen (one proton and one neutron) can intertwine so firmly that they discharge energy. This will possibly occur assuming the two decidedly charged cores draw near an adequate number of that they defeat the electric power pushing them separated. At the point when the cores draw adequately near, the power that ties protons and neutrons together, the solid power, dominates and pulls the cores much nearer together. Plasma is a condition of issue alongside solids, fluids and gases.

The term nanoscience refers to the study of the manipulation, and engineering of matter, particles, and structures on a Nano metric scale (one-millionth of a millimeter, the level of atoms and molecules). Critical properties of materials like electrical, optical, warm, and mechanical not entirely set in stone by the most common way of collecting particles and particles into enormous designs at the nanoscale gather. Likewise, in Nano-layered structures, the properties of quantum mechanics are significant on the grounds that these properties frequently contrast on a large scale level.

Statistical physics is a part of physical science that typically comprises of frameworks with countless units to tackle actual issues utilizing likelihood hypothesis and insights. Its fundamental object is to concentrate on pieces of the framework from measurable way of behaving. Thermodynamics is the part of physical science that arrangements with heat and different types of energy. Specifically, it clears up for us how nuclear power is changed over completely to different types of energy and what it means for issue.

A laser is a gadget that discharges a lucid light through an optical amplification process. There are many sorts of lasers, including gas lasers, fiber lasers, strong state lasers, pass on lasers, diode lasers, and excimer lasers. This large number of sorts of lasers share fundamental parts. Optics is a part of material science that decides the way of behaving and properties of light, its communications with issue, and the devices used to recognize it.

Atomic and molecular physics is the investigation of the properties, elements and connections of the fundamental structure blocks of issue. It is the one of the most essential and significant field being developed of information in Physical and Chemical sciences. It is the most established part of Quantum Material science. The field contributed such a great amount to the improvement of quantum mechanics that until thirties of last hundred years, atomic and molecular physics was indistinguishable from quantum physical science.

Gravitational physicists investigate the ramifications of the overall hypothesis of relativity, wherein gravity is a result of reality bend. This bend controls the development of inactive articles. Present day research in gravitational physical science incorporates the investigation of mathematical relativity, the elements of dark openings the beginnings of gravitational radiation, the mind boggling peculiarity of gravitational breakdown, the underlying worth issue of general relativity, and the uses of relative astronomy.

Microfluidics is an innovation that can change liquids in stations with estimations of many micrometers, which has arisen as of late as a new and different exploration region, because of its application in different fields like science, science, medication and actual sciences. The solid impulse for microfluidic research came from the advancement of lab on-chip (LOC) gadgets, which are supposed to alter the field of science and science as coordinated circuits do in figuring abilities.

The physical science of the consolidated matter arrangements with the blend, control, and properties (i.e., electronic, attractive, and optical) of fluid and strong materials. The subfield profoundly covers with interdisciplinary, science, materials science and electrical designing and frequently drives innovative advancement through establishment bits of knowledge. It is the biggest subfield in material science, with 33% of American physicists distinguishing themselves as frozen physicists.

Biophysics distinguishes issues with the construction and elements of atoms, cells, and tissues in Biosystems. This point likewise manages organic versatility, energy change, biomechanics, and so on. It happens in the biotic climate. Geophysics is the utilization of material science in earthly issues. The two topics were made from hybridization of various disciplines of science. Divisions of science, for example, physical science and science have consolidated geology and physical science to make a half and half field of biophysics, making geophysics.

Information theory and computation is the review and advancement of conventions and Calculations for taking care of issues and breaking down data. This discipline typically breaks. The data down into individual pieces, and afterward decides the ideal consistent activity expected to handle this information in any necessary manner effectively. Data hypothesis is the logical investigation of the measurement, stockpiling, and correspondence of advanced data.